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Monday, May 13, 2013

Info: Speed up your M-commerce web site

The rule in mobile web performance : The lighter the better

Reducing kilobytes on the weight of mobile commerce web site may reduce the load time
thus, boost the performance of the site.

Source: http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4692325780883126&pid=1.9

Recently, J.C. Penny reduced the weight of it's mobile commerce web site home page by 150 kilobytes and able to reduce 1.78 seconds of its page load time. 

According to Nisheeth Mohan, Senior product manager at Keynote, " When a web page reach 500 kilobytes, performance get impacted, customer might give up. 50 kilobytes is probably a good threshold for loads of two to three seconds.

It is important for retailer to give careful thought to every element they placed on mobile site page. Comapnies should determined which element and images needed. This is due to the latency and bandwith of the wireless carriers, even a small reduction in page can have perceptile change on site performance.

According to Keynote Mobile Commerce Performance Index, which measure 30 representative M- Commerce site, Barnes & Noble topped the index with load time 4.98 seconds and success rate of 99.49%. While, Amazon.com came in second place.

Source : http://www.internetretailer.com/2013/05/09/jc-penney-rips-its-m-commerce-site-half